
A Underground techno collective, with inclusiveness and community at it's heart.

Area of work

Visual Identity

Area of work


Area of work

Content Creation

Designer's note

A Collective of artistic individuals approached me, in wanting to express and bring a better cultural difference in the Copenhagen underground techno scene.

They were tired of listening to the same music, with the same resident DJ's that clubs always would re-use. instead they wanted to tell the nordic scene, that Quantum Collective would offer something new and refreshing with a wide array of different artists.

In this case, we went on a journey together to discover that visual language and message.

A clear inspiration from late 90's Berlin.

After the discovery phase, it was clear that the conclusion was,we were searching for 90's inspired Berlin and pop-culture. The roots are still strong in the underground, and we wanted to revere and salute the freedom it has brought.

To tune into the 90's aesthetic, we wanted something organic, bold and imperfect. The best reference that kept coming back, was the Aphex Twin logo, drawn by hand and being a timeless icon for the industry in over 20 years.

The logo on itself, had to be flexible, dynamic and playful to reflect the group's spirit.


Quantum Collective is out playing in Copenhagen and making a name of themselves.
They hosts their own parties and spreading good vibes at clubs one beat at the time.

Look out for the logo on t-shirts and stamps, and you know you're in for a treat.


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